What We Believe

We come from the Wesleyan Methodist Christian tradition, which aligns with historic, orthodox Christianity and the values of the evangelical traditionalist movement. Specifically, we are a member congregation of the Global Methodist Church.

First and foremost, we are a church that upholds the Bible (both Old Testament and New Testament) as the primary theological authority for our faith and practice. We ascribe to the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Council of Chalcedon as doctrinal statements that connect us with Christians from different denominations and traditions around the world while also upholding the unique Wesleyan beliefs that make us Methodist. These unique Wesleyan beliefs can be found in the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church, the Evangelical United Brethren Confession of Faith, the 52 standard sermons of John Wesley, and John Wesley’s explanatory notes on the New Testament. A further description of each of these belief statements can be found in Part One of the Global Methodist Church Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines.

If you wish to take a deeper look at what we believe as a member congregation of the Global Methodist Church, you can read online the Catechism for the Global Methodist Church.